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October 2018

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Kids With Autism

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Finding the right treatment for your child with autism can be a difficult task. There are many treatments that can be used to treat children with autism; you should determine what therapy best fits your child’s needs. However, there is one therapy that is said to be able to treat different types of disorders. This therapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and it has been proven to help treat many disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, and is also proven to be effective for those with autism.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychological treatment that helps improve a person’s functionality and quality of life. CBT helps children with autism become aware of negative behaviors, and helps them respond to these in a more positive way. Therapists have found this treatment effective for all ages and for different disorders. However, for children with autism, they have developed a different approach because CBT requires a strong thinking ability.

The approach is to use CBT but in a repetitive way in order for the child to fully understand what the therapist is teaching. Visual aid is also introduced to help the child gain a perspective view on what the topic is about. Instead of simply approaching the child verbally, the therapist may use different strategies such us showing the child what interests them to gain their attention. The main advantage of this treatment is that children with autism can learn that they are not the only ones struggling with the disorder. Through a bond of friendship with others, they will be able to help each other overcome it.

What to expect in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

The first session is focused on assessing the child with autism. This includes finding out what he or she is having difficulty with and what type of approach will get the child’s attention. Based on the therapist’s assessment, he or she will then create goals that will be helpful in treating the child with autism.

Subsequent sessions will focus on achieving those goals. The CBT approach often allows the child to practice their problem-solving skills, breaching the communication gaps, and simply conversing with the child once they have established a bond.

The final sessions will often begin once the child continues to achieve the goals set by the therapist. The number of sessions will gradually decrease until the child can be confident of learning on his or her own. A successful treatment will help your child rely on themselves and allow them to make decisions while showing less undesirable behavior.

Types Of Behavioral Therapy For Kids With Autism

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Autism is a disorder that affects the social behavior and communication development of a person. Children will often show signs of autism by the age of three. Early intervention and getting aid from a professional therapist can help your child adapt to their environment with ease. The most effective treatments for children with autism are behavioral therapies. There are many different behavioral therapies and each has its own strengths when helping children with autism.

Types Of Behavioral Therapy

1. Applied Behavioral Analysis

Applied behavioral analysis or ABA is a commonly used therapy in most children with autism. The therapy is used to help the child reach positive goals set by the therapist, and also help the child distinguish negative behavioral traits. A therapist will work with the child in one-on-one sessions. The therapist will then observe the child and try to create goals for the child to accomplish. The child will then be rewarded for every desirable behavior that the child does while ignoring the undesirable ones.

2. Sensory Integration or Occupational Therapy

This therapy focuses on the child’s sensitivities or what the child may find overwhelming. In most children with autism, there are different factors that may overwhelm them and cause them to have tantrums. Therapists will try to address these factors which are loud noises, bright lights, and other things that may be overwhelming for the child. Though the child will be exposed to things that overwhelm them, they won’t be forced to their limits. Successful therapies often have good results where the child may be able to adapt, control their movements and emotions.

3. Relationship Development Intervention

This therapy focuses on the social behaviors of children with autism. Parents are also involved in this therapy, as they will need to attend intensive workshops to help them carry out the therapy. The therapist will only be there to assess the situation or create goals for the parents and analyze the results. Parents will be tasked to record videos of them at home and how they are interacting with their child. Depending on the results, the therapist will give advice or strategies to help the parent and the child.

4. Communication Intervention

This therapy focuses on what children with autism lack the most, communication. Children with autism who don’t have proper communication skills will often show a lot of undesirable behavior out of their frustration and misunderstandings about situations. Therapists will help by teaching communication skills using devices that may help the child express their needs. This will work with the child and may show improvement in their social interaction skills.

Treatments For Your Child With Autism

There are many other behavioral treatments you can ask for your child. All treatments are effective in different children and finding the right treatment for your child can be time-consuming. However, once you’ve found the proper treatment that has good results, your child will have a more positive lifestyle. When choosing a therapist for the treatment, you should always make sure that you are comfortable with them. If you are comfortable allowing them to work with your child, then your child may also feel the same way.

Effective Therapies For Kids With Autism

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Kids will most likely show signs of autism by the time they reach the age of three or four. The symptoms will vary from mild to severe depending on the child. Most children with this disorder will have difficulty interacting with others and may have problems using non-verbal communication such as making eye contact and using facial expressions. In children with autism who are able to speak, they may have a high pitch tone, unbalanced speed, and rhythm. When you see your child having these symptoms, you should help them get the proper aid they need as soon as possible. There are many counselors or therapists who provide quality therapy for kids with autism. Here are some of the most effective therapies.

The Best Therapies To Treat Kids With Autism

1. Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists study human growth patterns and development. This is through learning the basic skills needed for a person to interact with their environment through their daily activities. Therapists will first observe how the child with autism does tasks for their age. They will ask parents to record their child for a day to see how he or she interacts in their current environment. Once the therapists have gathered all the necessary information they need, they will then create a program for your child.

2. Applied Behavioral Analysis

There are many types of behavioral therapy and the best one that works well for kids with autism is applied behavioral analysis (ABA). This therapy is focused on helping children achieve their goals and be able to distinguish right from wrong. A therapist will work with a child with autism for more than 40 hours a week in a one-on-one setting. The therapist will first observe the child and then plan goals. The therapist will then reward the child for each goal he or she achieves while ignoring negative actions. This will, in turn, help the child gain skills that will help them cope with their environment at home and in school.

3. Play therapy

Play therapy is used for children suffering from trauma, anxiety, and mental illness. This is because playing allows a child to release their feelings and develop a healthy behavior. However, the methods used to treat these illnesses are not the same methods used for children with autism. A good play therapist will sit on the floor with your child and set toys that your child finds interesting. The therapist will then choose another toy that is similar to the chosen toy, and try to block how the child is playing with his or her chosen toy. If the child responds, then there is a relationship that has begun. Over time, the therapist will help the child develop skills such as taking turns, building their imaginative skills, and other thinking skills to help the child cope with groups or other children.

Why early treatment is better for you child

Many parents that have detected autism in their child tend to neglect the fact that they should treat the disorder early. Parents think that they should just allow their kids to run around and play. However, most kids with autism lack the skills to play appropriately, and they often just perform repetitive acts that don’t seem to have an effect on them.

This is one of the reasons why parents should seek the aid of a therapist. Allowing a professional therapist to intervene with their acts and help correct them can stop problematic behavior patterns that can develop as the child ages. It’s also beneficial for the child to receive treatment early because it helps them adapt to groups or develop their social interaction skills effectively. This also helps prepare your child for school, allowing them to be more comfortable in making friends or simply interacting with different people.

The Importance of Couples Therapy For Long Lasting Relationships

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What is Couples Therapy?

Couples will eventually face a couple’s therapy session once they do realize that their relationship isn’t working out as they want it to be. The problem may at times build up the longer it doesn’t get resolved, and in the end, it will lead to the couple breaking up. Even healthy couples at times get into problems that seem like they can’t resolve on their own. In this case, couples may turn to couple therapies which will have a counselor to help them resolve the issue.

What Is Couples Counseling?

Couples counseling happens with a professional counselor or therapist with the sole purpose of providing couples with advice. The counselor may resolve their problems or issues that may be causing distress in their relationship. Most people think that couples counseling can benefit people that are in romantic relationships, but on the contrary, it also helps family relationships, work relationships, and even friendships.

A relationship therapist can help couples with decision making such as where they should live, when they should get married, or if they should have a baby or not. Couples come to relationship counseling in order to understand each other better and build their relationship further that will have long-term effects.

The primary reason why couples go to couples counseling is to improve their communication with each other. Being able to communicate well can enhance your understanding of what are your partner’s wants and needs. It also helps restore intimacy and bring back love in the relationship. Another reason why couples seek the aid of a couple’s counselors is to ask for help in knowing how the couple is committed in the relationship.

Principles Of Effective Couples Therapy

A working couple’s therapy session will be able to change your point of view in your relationship. Through the series of sessions, the therapist should be able to show the couple an objective point of view. This means that the couple will be able to see that they don’t have to keep blaming each other, but instead, understand how they got to that point in the first place.

An effective therapist will be able to help the couple change the way they behave with their partner. Basically, therapists should create an environment with the couple where none of the two can get hurt physically and psychologically.

Couples tend to avoid showing their true feelings to their partner. This will eventually build up and keep pushing them further apart. A good therapist will be able to decrease that emotional avoidance and allow the couple to express their feelings without fear. Having a relationship therapist will definitely help couples increase their relationship bonds and reduce any negativity that ordinary couples may face.

How To Deal With Anxiety Disorder

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There are many things that can put us into a state of anxiety such as possible break-ups, work stress, home life, even horror movies can trigger this state. However, it is common that the source of our anxiety is something that we can’t change. We all know that threats aren’t the only things that can give us an anxiety disorder, but also a possible upcoming crisis. Everything can become a potential crisis if you think about it too much and eliminate possible outcomes.

What Does Anxiety Do To You?

Anxiety will definitely take its toll on your body. Some of the symptoms that you may feel are trouble sleeping, eating, and concentrating. You may also get headaches and an upset stomach. Panic attacks are also symptoms of anxiety; this is the feeling where your heart is pounding at a rapid rate making you feel lightheaded. A panic attack can actually feel like a heart attack. Anxiety may also feel like depression if it gets too overwhelming. That feeling may start interfering with your daily activities and may make you want to be alone.

When anxiety gets too overwhelming, most people may not make effective choices. They tend to avoid things rather than face them and they often procrastinate because they can’t concentrate well. In this case, people suffering from the disorder may need to seek professional help for anxiety treatment.

How Can You Cope With Anxiety?

Coping with anxiety will take a lot of effort and mental readiness to maintain your focus. Set aside real risky problems that may be difficult to decide on, and focus on simpler problems with low risks. Try removing from your imagination all the negative possibilities of handling the situation and just face it. Challenge your negative thoughts rather than being paralyzed by anxiety. Always keep in mind that it will be better that you have done something than nothing at all. This will help you move forward and address the next problems at hand.

You may not notice this but when you are anxious, you may have shallow breathing or you are possibly holding your breath. Learning to relax is part of your fight against depression and anxiety and enables you to achieve that focus. Take deep breaths and then think of the solution to your problem. In most cases, the type of anxiety that you will be facing will vary on the situation that happened to you. The more shocking or surprising the situation is, the more difficult it will be for you to get past it.

Some doctors may provide you with anxiety medications, but don’t think that this will get rid of your anxiety. These medications are just there to support you and keep it under control. Fully removing your anxiety disorder will always be done by you. Anxiety counselors will also be able to help your fight because they are capable of giving you tools on how you can face your problems.

What Is Couples Counseling and How To Find Professional Counselors

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Couples counseling is a very effective way to strengthen your relationship bonds with your partner. The main issue that most couples have is that they are losing connection with their partner. Different problems and conflicts can build up to this issue, which may cause the couple to separate if not fixed.  Most couples often seek help after a few years of conflict in their relationship. Unfortunately, this only leads to a lower success rate once they seek counseling.

How Can Counselors Help Improve Your Relationship?

Couples seek professional counselors because they have a lot of experience and can give you a lot of advice in your current relationship issue. They can also give you problem-solving solutions that can help in maintaining a positive relationship.

The average length of counseling can take up to 12 sessions. However, this is different for every couple. A major contributor to the length of your counseling session is the length of your conflict with your partner. As mentioned earlier, couples that seek counseling after years of conflict can be harder to mend than couples dealing with it for only a few months. The type of conflict can also be a factor as no two conflicts can be treated the same way.

Couples can always tell that the counseling sessions are effective if one is learning something about the other partner. The way you interact with your partner may feel easier than it used to be. It can also be that you are feeling closer even if you are distant from each other. There may be fewer arguments in your relationship that don’t lead to a long-lasting conflict.

Finding The Right Counselor

Finding the right counselor can be a daunting task, but it’s worth all the effort. Most couples will try to seek information from hospitals or friends that have gone through counseling, while others will do research, and find different counselors in McKinney Texas based on referrals.

If you are planning to do your own research, then the best way is to look through the counselor’s social media accounts and find their reviews. Reviewers will often take their time to write a positive review about a counselor if their relationship issue was solved. The higher the rating of the counselor, the better it is for you to seek their help.

If the information you’ve gathered is still insufficient for you, then ask friends or family for referrals. They will be able to tell you what their experience was like and you can try to relate that to your current situation. It’s always important to invest all the time you can in order to effectively treat your relationship issues. This ensures that you are committed to maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner.

Tips On Overcoming Depression

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Depression rates have been steadily increasing over the past decade. It’s also said that 1 in 5 people may suffer from depression at one point in their lives. Depression can be very difficult, in part because there is no guaranteed cure that works for everyone. However, there are some things you can do to help you in overcoming depression.

3 Helpful Tips To Overcome Depression

1. Focus on what you’re usually doing right.

It may be hard for you to do right now because negative thoughts constantly alter positive results in your brain. However, you’re still trying, and this shows that you still have that chance to overcome it. At the end of your day, try listing down things you’ve done right. This may be difficult because of your current state of mind, but try listing just two or three things, even if they are small. This list will serve as a guide to help lift up your mood that you are not totally doing everything negatively or wrong.

2. Resist your urge to think of what happened in the past.

Being depressed lets you create images or scenes that constantly play over and over again. This habit forces you to give in to your depression and may be a threat to you emotionally. Loathing yourself or thinking of what you think you did wrong will not help you get past your depression. You should try to create new positive memories that may help you remove the negative ones from your current thoughts. Think of that new memory and how it made you feel at that time instead of the past that will constantly damage your emotion.

3. Let your social connections enter your life again.

Depression will more likely take you away from your friends and family, and will likely set you in a place where you are alone. It will then be present in your mind that being alone makes you feel better, but in reality, it doesn’t. We all need to have friends and family to talk to and lean on in times when we are sad. Having a person enter your comfort zone allows you to fight depression.

How Can Depression Counseling Help You

Since depression makes you want to be alone all the time and not want to go outside, it may be difficult for you to overcome it on your own. If you really want to help yourself get rid of your depression, then you should try seeking depression counseling. Depression counselors are someone that you can talk to about your problems. They can analyze your situation and provide you with accurate advice on how you can try to overcome those problems. They can give you specific tools to help lift your depression. They may even provide you with another point of view where the problem you are thinking of isn’t really a problem at all.

Benefits Of Sandplay Therapy

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Sandplay therapy is a nonverbal therapeutic intervention that can be used for children, including children diagnosed with autism. Instead of trying to talk to the child, the therapist will make use of a sandbox where the child can find toys to create something that the child wants. This is a great way for the therapist to see the child’s inner thoughts or feelings. This can be another form of talk therapy while utilizing the sandbox figures as alternate communication tools.

The Benefits of Sandplay Therapy for Kids with Autism

Sandplay therapy allows the child with autism to express their feelings. It can give the therapist an idea of a trauma that the child may have or what kind of things the child finds interesting. It allows the child to show the therapist their creative side and what makes them happy. Introducing different items to the child can be a way of introducing different characters to the child’s setting. This will in turn have a significant effect when it comes to the child’s social skills.

When a child’s hands and mind wander to their happy place, they are often prone to communication. This gives the therapist an opening to interact with the child while he or she is playing. Establishing communication is always the first objective a therapist is looking for in sandplay therapy. It allows the therapist to know if the child is responding and making progress.

Sandplay therapy uses little to no words which makes it easier for the child to have his or her own personal space. This allows the child to create what bothers him or her most and make use of the sand tray as their boundaries. The therapist will be there to evaluate everything the child is building and thinking of new things to introduce to the child in order to improve their feeling toward their imagination.

Choosing a Sandplay Therapist

Some play therapists have taken additional trainings in sandplay therapy. Look for licensed therapists that have experience in sandplay therapy if you think that this therapy will benefit your child. In addition, you should also look for a therapist that has the appropriate tools and education background about the benefits and key elements of this therapy.

Doing your own research on qualified therapists in your area is another great way to find a therapist. Nowadays, therapists have their own website and usually have testimonials from previous clients on their work. Use this information to get an idea on how well the therapist might interact with your child. When finally choosing your therapist, you should make sure that you are comfortable leaving your child in their care.

Importance Of Early Intervention For Better Autism Therapy

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Autism is not a rare disorder, and it affects many people all over the world. There is no known cause or cure for the disorder; however, there are studies that prove that early intervention can make a difference to a child’s development. Early intervention for children with autism can give the child with autism higher intelligence, improved social skills, and allows the child to become independent in the future.

Why Is Early Intervention Important?

Autism can be found in a child at the age of two to three years old. From the perspective of neuroscience, early intervention gives a better opportunity for the child’s developing brain to change. It also helps the child stop behavioral tantrums that may often occur when the child is disturbed by something or someone. The habit of having tantrums can be avoided through early intervention, but as you continue to delay their treatment, they may be difficult to change their habits that may be found in children with autism.

Children at an early age often learn new things much quicker by observing and imitating others. It’s natural for a child to imitate other’s actions in order to engage with them in healthy play. However, children with autism tend to be more focused on objects and activities that will only interest them. They will not likely imitate others and interact because of the lack of interest.

Placing a child with autism in a group of kids to play will not help the child with autism. For children with autism, playing needs to be broken down in order for them to fully comprehend what it means to play. Social skills are also a factor, as most children with autism tend to be shy about interacting with strangers.

What To Expect When Sending Your Child To Therapy

Children with autism learn best through small repeated steps and consistently practicing on those steps every session. For example, if a therapist teaches your child how to share their toy, it may take around four to five sessions depending on the child’s progress. Even complex skills such as conversing and interacting with someone may need to have more steps to allow the child to learn the skill.

Don’t expect too much on each session; let your child take it slow. Your child’s interest should always be taken into account and getting that can be a difficult task even for an experienced therapist. Picking the right program should be discussed by you and the therapist. Giving the therapist as much detail on what interests your child can have a better chance of choosing a the right therapy for your child. Progress will always be present so long as the child is introduced to the therapy as early as possible.